末岡 武彦をご愛顧賜り、誠に有難うございます。
FINALE(Make Music INC.)と言うソフトウエアにより、楽譜を入力すれば、PC一台で自然音に近い音で演奏をシミュレート出来る様になったので、半世紀余り蓄積した作品を少しづつ公開する事にしました。
音楽ICTは長蛇の進歩を遂げ、創造者が作品を公開して聴衆がそれを直接楽しみ、評価する事が可能になりました。特にFC2・Google・Make Musicの各社に深く感謝申し上げます。

Dear friends, thank you so much to love "Takehiko Sueoka".
As Finale (Make Music INC.) software has enabled creators to simulate their performance with natural sound by only inputting music scores into one PC, I decided to disclose my works step by step that I have created for about a half century, using this tool.
Music ICT has developed rapidly and drastically recently. As a result, creators can disclose their works by themselves and audience can enjoy and evaluate creators' works directly these days. Especially, I want to thank to three firms, FC2, Google and Make Music for their endeavors.
When I create my work, I try to realize three elements of music with best condition, easy to listen to melody, beautiful harmony and comfortable rhythm and express sounds as simple as possible. Furthermore, I just only write down my work after I mature completely in my inner world with unlimited time. Therefore, please would you love "me" for a long time.
I am planning to start my business little by little from providing music scores without music marks for free to doing various products and services to match each needs of target users. Please help me as possible as you can to support my creative activities sustainably by purchasing my products and services I will provide.

Finale(Make Music INC.)が、音楽ICTの成果として、PC一つで作編曲と演奏シミュレーションを可能にして来ました。これを利用して創造者が容易に自分の作品を公開出来るようになったばかりでなく、今までは不可能であった新しい表現も可能になるでしょう。同時に、その成果は聴衆・演奏家・企画・広告・メディア関係者に大いに還元されるはずです。

Finale (Make Music Inc.) has enabled creators composition, arrangement and performance simulation in only one PC as an achievement of music ICT evolution. Applying Finale, it becomes very easy for them to disclose their works nowadays. But Finale will also enables many new expressions possible which were impossible before. At the same time, these achievements must also contribute to audience, performers and people of producing, advertisement and media greatly.


I am sure that these pieces will not only console you and make you relax, but also make you fine and give you courage.
I still disclose only a few pieces. But I am going to disclose not only pieces I have created but also ones I will create newly until I complete my life. That is why I want you to continue to listen to "me". Please actively get products and services for fee I will provide to love "me" completely through PC, mobile device or music CD.




4.商用利用・公共的利用の場合は、別途私自身がご提供するサービスプログラムを利用するか、法律・業界 のルールに従っていただきます。


6.以上の根拠法は日本国著作権法とします。ご利用・係争解決に当たって、総ての関係者は日本法に従って 下さい。

1. Users can listen to and watch works of Takehiko Sueoka I myself provide freely through internet. However, users are inhibited to download or copy works of Takehiko Sueoka strictly, including your secondary works applying Takehiko Sueoka's works, even in the case partial apply.

2. Users cannot copy Takehiko Sueoka's music information except in the case they themselves need to use or backup the information, including your secondary works applying Takehiko Sueoka's works, even in the case partial apply.

3. Users can apply Takehiko Sueoka's music information privately or among their friends to performing, composing, arranging or creating pictures and movies. Also users can disclose these works they create including uploading to internet environment. But users must write down the creator's name and title of Takehiko Sueoka's works definitely and clearly. You need not any permission from me before your action.

4. If users want to apply works of Takehiko Sueoka commercially or publicly, users need to use my service programs I will provide or apply keeping laws or rules of the industry users are related to.

5. I reserve all the rights for works of Takehiko Sueoka, unless otherwise specified. I decide all the rules how users can use works of Takehiko Sueoka rightly. I may also change the rules.

6. Terms of Service above are based on the Copy Right Law of Japan. All the stakeholders need to keep Laws of Japan to use works of Takehiko Sueoka and resolve conflicts related to this service I provide.

the Picture of My Passport


Finale provides functions which realize a play like a human being performances. Conversely she made clear the limit of machinery and unlimited richness of expression by human beings. I will support performers by providing not only music scores without music marks, but also products and services players can use easily. I will practice and recommend a new method of exercise that players design their expression by PC first and do real performance later to improve their expression ability.


I have been happily creating pure music by and for myself so far. However, there must be many situations for professionals to supply deliverables soon for many purposes to use music in today's business scene. To help professionals, I will provide adequate service programs for them to use all the information of my music flexibly and unlimitedly.


As a method to realize sustainable society, I want people to make themselves happy spiritually by my music. I will propose various kind of plans to apply my works in various scenes and provide adequate service programs to match business needs.

Copyright c ISPO/TS 2012- All Rights Reserved
Contact to takehikosueoka@gmail.com
Using Microsoft Clip Art and logos of Google and DL Market

inserted by FC2 system