
He not only provides us complete meditative and liberal improvisation by piano but also is creating various kind of ensemble works.

You TubeやGoogle+でたまたま見つけた優れたクリエーターの方々です。勝手にご紹介し、皆様と感動を共にしたいと存じます。

I found these nice creators in You Tube or Google+ by chance. I want to introduce them of my own will and share my impression with my friends visiting my site. It is my pleasure to share the same age with them.


I felt he is pursuing romantic classical piano music in minor, accomplishing stable form like Mozart.


Her improvisation by piano is so affective, making rhythm with left hand and creating melody and harmony with right hand.


His ensemble work has simple beauty and his symphony is magnificent, surprising and brilliant. He is creating amount of symphonic works.

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Contact to takehikosueoka@gmail.com
Using Microsoft Clip Art and logos of Google and DL Market

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